Selorm Tito Ayikoe

Oct 28, 20201 min

Survival of the Friendliest: Why We Love Insiders and Hate Outsiders By Brian Hare, Vanessa Wood

Updated: Nov 8, 2020

About the Book

Humans have evolved to be an inherently social species. Throughout history, our ability to survive has depended on cultivating social skills, interpersonal communication, and mutually supportive communities. Unfortunately, our hard-wired tendency to bond with those close to us can also make us wary of outsiders who seem threatening to us. To build a more peaceful world, we should strive to form friendships with those around us, even if they seem different on the surface.

What I Love About It

Quotes to Remember

Humans have evolved special cognitive skills to help us cooperate

Friendliness is a genetic trait that corresponds to greater communication abilities

The friendly bonobo shows all the telltale signs of self-domestication

Human evolution seems to have favoured friendliness

Our brains have evolved to form powerful social bonds, even with strangers

We can foster tolerance with close, casual contact with others

Our treatment of animals mirrors our treatment of each other

How I Can Apply Its Content to my Life

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