Peki Hub is pleased to announce the availability of 1000 online scholarship slots to all who wish to learn how to farm any crop or livestock within our list of options.
Application Deadline: Always Available
To apply: click here
This forms part of our WeFarm program designed to train the youth in producing high-quality agricultural produce for export. Applicants who successfully complete the training process will be given certificates.
Scholarship Application Process
You will choose from a list of crops and livestock training courses we have available and will be informed if you qualify for the scholarship within 30 days.
The learning process
Stage 1 of the agribusiness courses will be delivered online from 6th October 2021.
It will be self-paced and free of charge (for successful scholarship applicants).
A mentor will be available online throughout the learning process to support you.
The average time required to complete each course is 72 hours.
Successful applicants who are able to complete the online course within 12 months and show mastery of knowledge acquired stand the opportunity to benefit for one year;
Free access to 0.5 acres of farmland
One trained farm worker
Opportunity to join our farmer cooperative
Free extension services
Shared farm security
Detailed agribusiness plan for a crop or livestock of your choice
Guaranteed purchase of farm produce
Easy access to;
Organic Fertilizers and pesticides
Farm machinery
Accounting & Legal services
Seeds and seedlings
What You Will Learn
A. Economic Opportunities in the crop or livestock selected
Global Demand for the crop or livestock
Global supply for the crop or livestock
Potential profit in farming this crop or livestock
B. Brief Summary of the Crop or Livestock
Time to Harvest
Health Benefits
Botanical Name
Types & Suitable Varieties
Climatic Requirements
C. Planting
Source of Planting Material
Land Preparation
D. Care of plants or livestock
Nutritional requirements or plants or livestock
Organic Fertilizer application for plants, Multivitamins for livestock
Weed Control for plants
E. Water Management
Irrigation - Our Network of Wells, Swales and Pools
F. Pest and Disease Control
Name of Pest or Disease
Identification of Pest or Disease
Nature of Spread of Pest or Disease
Control and Prevention of Pest or Disease
Beneficial Living Organisms/Insects for Crop or Livestock
G. Harvesting & Storage of crops or livestock
How to
Expected Yield
Storage of crops or livestock
Packaging of Crops or livestock
H. Even More Opportunities within the Crop or livestock value chain
Seed production
Organic fertiliser production
Beneficial insects breeding
Raw foods processing
Producing packaging items/ideas
Food product ideas from the crop or livestock
I. Farm Risk Management
Farm Insurance
J. Financials I: Costs and Revenue
Our Cost Reduction strategy
Integrated Farm Approach
Nearness to Raw Materials
Shared security
Shared risks
Shared stake in all farms
Shared Branding, Marketing & Sales
Our network of sales agents and storefronts
Our internship strategy
Operational Budget with and without our network of partner hub farms
Expected Revenue with and without our partner hubs
Our tourism element
Our ecological homes element
K. Financials II: Our Investment & Job Opportunities
Become a shareholder
Become a Partner StoreFront
Become a wholesaler
Become a retailer
Become a sales agent
Become an Intern
If you have any questions, kindly leave a comment below.
when is the next session starting
This is an awesome opportunity for potential youth farmers like myself. I will be more than excited to join the team to learn.